1997 电影解说 西班牙,法国,意大利
  25岁青年塞萨尔(Eduardo Noriega 饰)从早亡父母那里继承的遗产使他衣食无忧,频繁的更换女友让他在朋友圈里有不羁的名声,但是最近塞萨尔被一名女子诺丽亚纠缠,为摆脱诺丽亚,塞萨尔求助于好友的女友索菲亚(Penélope Cruz 饰)。故事切换到监狱内,面容可怖的塞萨尔因涉嫌杀人被拘,医生安东尼奥正诱使他说出事情的经过,原来诺丽亚在索菲亚家门外载到塞萨尔,路上发生了车祸导致后者毁容……塞萨尔从梦中醒来与索菲亚在公园约会,但他很快又发现公园约会才是美梦一场,医生们对塞萨尔的面容无能为力,不久
2022 电影解说 西班牙,比利时
 The film revolves around Damián, who, in order to run away from his boss when he fires him after many long years of service in his company, hides in an old wardrobe that gets delivered to a middle-class house, inhabited by Lucía, Fede and their teenage d